CLEP Mathematics Lesson and Structure of the lesson plan
Structure of the lesson plan
1. Name of the unit: Subtraction
2. Topic: Subtraction on Number line
3. Class: 3rd
4. Learning outcomes:
*Children will be able to subtract numbers.
Pupil able to solve subtraction problems with two-digit numbers.
Child use Number Lines to solve subtract problems.
Children use subtraction in their daily life.
5. T.L.M: Number Lines, Charts.
6. Introduction
Good morning, children!
Good morning, sir!
How are you?
Fine, thanks, sir.
How about you, sir!
I am also fine.
Warm up activity & Mind map
Children, I ask you some questions.
Children look at the picture.
How many birds are sitting on the tree?
There are 3 birds.
Look at the second picture.
How many birds flew away?
How many birds are left now?
1 bird.
Announcement of the topic:
This can be written as
3 – 1 = 2
Now the answer is 2.
This is called Subtraction.
Very good children!
7. Presentation:
Children today in Mathematics we will learn how to do subtraction and how to subtract two-digit numbers.
Let’s get started
Children, we will do the addition using the Number Line.
*Subtraction Number Line
1. Subtract 4 from 8.
We use the number line to subtract 4 from 8.
Look at the Number Line. It has 1 to 10 numbers.
First, mark an arrow from 1 to 8 on the number line.
Then count 4 steps backwards. Where do you stand ? at 4
And also make a second arrow from 8 to 4.
Subtract 4 from 8.
We get 8 – 4 = 4
Now the answer is 4.
8. Practicing Skills:
Children! You all divide into two groups. And solve the Subtraction.
* Subtraction without borrowing
2. Subtract 65 from 78.
Subtracting 5 ones from 8 ones
8 – 5 = 3
Put 3 in ones column
Subtracting 6 tens from 7 tens
7 – 6 = 1
Put 1 in tens column
78- 65 = 13
Now the answer is 13.
* Subtraction with Borrowing
3. Subtract 58 from 82
First step:
Subtract 8 ones from 2 ones
2 – 8 is not possible
So take 1 ten from tens place.
Add 2 to one ten(10)
We get 10 + 2 = 12
Subtract 8 from 12 .
12 – 8 = 4
We get 4.
Write 4 in ones place.
Now there are only 7 tens in place of 8 tens above.
Second step:
Subtract 5 tens from 7 tens.
7 – 5 = 2
We get 2
Write 2 in the tens column of the answer.
So, 82 – 58 = 24
Now the answer is 24.
9. Recapitulation or sum up:
Children! I will ask you some simple oral questions about today’s topic. Tell me the answer quickly.
Ravi had 10 books. He gave 3 to Raju. How many does he have left?
I have 6 chocolates, I eat 2. How many do I have left?
10. Assessment:
Do the following Mathematics subtraction:
6 – 5 = ? 15 – 8 = ?
20 – 10 = ? 56- 34 = ?
11. Teacher’s reflection:
How many students understood today’s class?
For whom my help was needed?